Sunday, March 30, 2014

The "moments"

You don't want to hear about my ride - headwinds, missed the only open restaurant in town so ate at the gas station, arrived at the motel - what a dump! - rooms not ready because the maid didn't show up - not a fun day!!!

The motel appears to be owned by an East Indian man and his mother.  At dinner, the mother had made something for us to add to our parking lot dinner - lovely!  After dinner, he said that his Mom wished to say something to us, so a few of us gathered around to hear what she had to say - I hope I have captured the gist of it...

When I was a girl in India, a bike was a necessity.  I always envied the fancy bikes in the city.  Now, look at me - I would break a bike!!  But when men stay at the motel on their way cycling across America, I asked my son, where are the women??  And now, here you are!!!

It really was a not-great day, but here we were - able to have what I call "a moment" with these two people.  And really, what is there to life but the moments??  If you are lucky, you will have many special moments with those you love, many more with good friends but sometimes, if you just allow yourself to be open to them, you can have moments with complete strangers.

In the end, will I remember the hours on the bike? the scenery passing by?  the winds?  OR will I remember the moments??

Thanks for listening!!


  1. That's a lovely moment worth the rest of the day

  2. You will remember those moments as you read through your blog in the future. Print it out, and have a "book" made of it. Add photos. Have someone take a photo of you riding for your cover. You won't have this trip being a blur that way!
