Thursday, March 27, 2014

Is this a vacation??????

A beautiful day from El Paso to Van Horn - excellent weather and smooth pavement - what more could you ask for??  A reasonable lunch and..... a wretched hotel!  But we are all in this together, so what the heck??  
But the next two days - holy mama!!!  Just 75 miles from Van Horn to Fort Horn - not so bad, right??
Wrong!!  There was a constant headwind for pretty much the entire last 50 miles.  We even formed a pace line - for a while seven of us in a row, eventually only four in a row - the principle being that the person in front would take the brunt of the wind, with everyone taking turns at the front.  I think that it worked but I was on the bike 9 hours that day!
Yesterday was 90 miles with a headwind for 20 miles or so, plus a lot of hills - another exhausting day!!!  
But it is a rest day today at Indian Lodge!!!  It is a wonderful, albeit a little rustic, place to hang out for a day.  My most ambitious plan today is to go sit by the pool for a while....

So, the question of the day : is this a vacation???  And I have to say that I don't know the answer to that!  I mean, this is physically very challenging to say the least, but it is a time away from having to make any day-to-day decisions.  Our only responsibility is to get up in the morning and get on that bike.  We don't have to worry about meals - except lunch, but believe the options are very limited and the decision is generally a group one - or where we are staying.  We have very little in the way of clothing, and quite frankly, no-one cares what we look like!  No make-up, no fancy clothes, no curling irons, not a thing of that nature.  No-one is asking us to do anything for them - although we do support each other in every way possible.
So, is this a vacation??   Yes and no....

Thanks y'all   (I'm in Texas now..)


  1. Hopefully you don't think I am a delinquent husband as I haven't sent chocolate.....thinking of you. K.

  2. Once Texas starts to turn green (last 1/3) it will be so much easier! This first part is difficult, to say the least, but the whole trip will not be this tough. Once you get into Louisana it will be more fun. You will be SO strong! I am following your blog every day and thinking of you! You go girl!

  3. Definitely doesn't sound like a holiday but what a challenge. I'm sure by the last day on the bike you will be thinking about what the next one will be. A terrific accomplishment
